

I hope you find this page useful when you're at home or completing an assignment and in doubt of a sign.  

Please, be aware that these may be different from the signs learned in class because of:
1.)  variations due to region, age, etc.
2.)  signing systems--- ASL vs. Signed English
3.)  multiple meanings for one English word.
          -(ex's: run a store, run to the bank, run a meeting, run for office, running water, etc)

Depending on the context and concept in your sentence or story, the sign may be completely different from the one you find in these dictionaries.  These should be used as a resource only.

1.  Check several dictionaries and compare. 
2.  THINK!  Is what you're trying to say really signed as a classifier? 
Remember, ASL and English are completely different.
3.  Plan ahead!  I'm here to help you....but remember, the due date is NOT
the day to ask.  It's the day for you to "show off" your mad skills :)

MSU Dictionary
Rockwall ISD (shared with permission from Jenna Varner & Melinda Lewis)
Signing Saavy
ASL University- Bill Vicars